Phone: 01 506 888 77 229 


WhatsApp : 506 888 77 229

This property comes with:
10 hectares
7 River Cabins and 4 Garden Cabins 25m2 (All with hot water all with wireless internet service)
4 Solar Water heaters
City water as backup
Spring water as main source of water (free water)
Private entrance, security cameras
Own electric transformer maintained by ICE
Electric backup generator
Pristine gardens, and Japanese Koi ponds
Hickin trails and several swing areas throughout the property
Fiber Optic Internet service from ICE (Only 3 other places in the area offer this service)
Full size 2 floor restaurant

PRICE: $4,500,000 USD

Apartment Complex San Isidro Perez Zeledon

​The Talamanca Nature Reserve is located in San Gerardo de Rivas, Pérez Zeledón, approximately 17 kilometers from San Isidro de El General, at approximately 4,921ft.  above sea level. This exquisite property of primary and secondary cloud forest is the home of beautiful and colorful birds such Quetzals, Tanagers of all colors, hummingbirds and so many other species that add a touch of magic to the property. With ideal temperatures during the dry season of 65F during the evening.
This beautiful property is one of a kind in the area offering serene and beautiful gardens, Chirripo River bordering the entire property, and a place to connect with nature!


                River cabins       

 Restaurant and Garden Cabins        

       ​10 Hectares, 24.5 Acres 


Great investment opportunity conveniently located in downtown Perez Zeledon. Close to hospitals, Sport Center, supermarkets, and more!
The building offers:
7 apartments with 1 bed/1bath. Livingroom/dining room and garage.
2 apartments with 2 bed/1bath. Livingroom/dining room and garage.
1 apartment with 2bed/2bath. Livingroom/dining room and garage.
The apartments are 100% occupied and have a waiting list. This is an already making money building, so it is a very easy way to just get in and collect.

 $235,000,000 Colonies 

For additional information or to schedule a visit please contact me at 506-8887-7229